I'm obsessed with gardening. I've been gardening full time for a month. We had such warm weather, I dove in and figured I could get a lot done before the mosquitos came out. I started seeds in the house and although it was supposed to be too early, they're all outside, happy and growing like crazy.
I planted veggies and herbs, hostas and lilacs, irises and then I went around and planted Nasturtiums on everything that couldn't run away. my whole yard is going to be yellow and orange and red for the hummingbirds.
There's an opening on the back of my house way up on the third floor. It used to have a cover over it it and the squirrels got it off and they're living in there now. This time of year, there's probably little baby squirrels in there. I think I saw one, but I'm not sure. I got out my binoculars to get a good look and a huge squirrel popped his head and upper body out. He stuck his paws out and I'm pretty sure it waved to me.