Thursday, May 27, 2010

Carried Away—again!

We just got back from another book reading/signing. This time, instead of a book store, it was at the Heritage Towers Senior Center.

Kate and a friend

Lois and Kate signing books

All proceeds benefit the Postal Employees Emergency Relief Fund. Copies are selling at an alarming rate, so If you are interested in buying a copy; do it here

Carried Away—True Stories from Postal Carriers Across America

How exciting to do our first book reading/signing at Bertram and Oliver Book Sellers in Amesbury, MA

The hairy one is Briney Berkenbush, our spokesmodel and a mail carrier's best friend…

All proceeds benefit the Postal Employees Emergency Relief Fund. Copies are selling at an alarming rate, so If you are interested in buying a copy; do it here

The rhubarb that ate my house

Strawberry rhubarb garden

Sunday, May 23, 2010

LAZY Sunday

Oh dear… The party started at two in the afternoon, and I didn't get to bed till 3:00 am. Friends and food and wine and a campfire. Gelato cake—my new favorite. I was supposed to be at the gym at 10:00 this morning. If they called me I didn't hear the phone.

What a beautiful day. You gotta love summer. i saw the first hummingbird at the feeder. I'm going to weed the garden (sitting down) and then read a book in the hammock. When I smell one of my neighbors grilling supper, I'll drop by with a jug of nice fruity ice tea and try to look really hungry. Hope nobody reads this until after supper.

I love it that when our neighborhood starts to get all shady, I can look up and see airplanes, so high up that they still reflect the sun. I love airplanes. I even love airports. From the minute I leave the house I feel like someone just yelled "Road Trip!"

Glorious day.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ha, Ha! Squirrels fear me!

It's true. Now that I can trap squirrels and I already own a chainsaw, if I buy a snowmobile, they'll let me move to New Hampshire—but enough about my intellectual pursuits…

Friday, May 14, 2010

Spill of the day

May 14th 12:45 am Decided I needed more vegetables in my life. Watching a video, I gave a can of V8 a big shake and popped the top. Good movie. Five minutes later, I went to give the can a big shake and pop the top…

Three Squirrel Day…

Three squirrels entered my witness protection program this Tuesday. If they can find their way back, I'll move and they can have the house. Three times I heard the cage rattling and pretty much put on a hazardous materials suit before touching the cage. Oh sure—they're cute and fuzzy when they're tearing your house apart or digging up your new garden, but up close they have dagger claws and hurl squawky little insults.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Vitamins for the elderly

According to my friend John, Vitamin I is the thing—Ibuprofen…

I am officially elderly. Out on a sidewalk I told a teenager to: "Put that cigarette out and pull up your pants!" Hee, hee… I've been wanting to do that for SO LONG. His first reaction was a teenage look of mild fear of authority, but then he managed enough composure to spit out the standard two word answer. It was totally ineffective because he wasn't ready with it right away. He's gonna have to work on his delivery unless he wants to seem like Peewee Herman.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Squirrels are evil

I'm obsessed with gardening. I've been gardening full time for a month. We had such warm weather, I dove in and figured I could get a lot done before the mosquitos came out. I started seeds in the house and although it was supposed to be too early, they're all outside, happy and growing like crazy.

I planted veggies and herbs, hostas and lilacs, irises and then I went around and planted Nasturtiums on everything that couldn't run away. my whole yard is going to be yellow and orange and red for the hummingbirds.

There's an opening on the back of my house way up on the third floor. It used to have a cover over it it and the squirrels got it off and they're living in there now. This time of year, there's probably little baby squirrels in there. I think I saw one, but I'm not sure. I got out my binoculars to get a good look and a huge squirrel popped his head and upper body out. He stuck his paws out and I'm pretty sure it waved to me.