Sunday, May 23, 2010

LAZY Sunday

Oh dear… The party started at two in the afternoon, and I didn't get to bed till 3:00 am. Friends and food and wine and a campfire. Gelato cake—my new favorite. I was supposed to be at the gym at 10:00 this morning. If they called me I didn't hear the phone.

What a beautiful day. You gotta love summer. i saw the first hummingbird at the feeder. I'm going to weed the garden (sitting down) and then read a book in the hammock. When I smell one of my neighbors grilling supper, I'll drop by with a jug of nice fruity ice tea and try to look really hungry. Hope nobody reads this until after supper.

I love it that when our neighborhood starts to get all shady, I can look up and see airplanes, so high up that they still reflect the sun. I love airplanes. I even love airports. From the minute I leave the house I feel like someone just yelled "Road Trip!"

Glorious day.

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