Friday, January 14, 2011

Can you lift a 150 lb dog?

I knew that Golden Retrievers come in jumbo size sometimes, but I groomed one the size of a Shetland pony yesterday. OMG! He was bigger than the Bernese Mountain dog, Sullivan, I've groomed twice. When it's time to get on the table, Sullivan puts his paws on there and holds steady while go around the back and boost his rear end up. But the Golden Retriever and I took our bath together and then I had to figure out how to get him on the grooming table. He is the sweetest most patient dog I've groomed yet, but he's too long to pick up by putting one arm around his chest and one somewhere under the back end. He wouldn't leave his front paws on the table. There was no one around to help. Remember—we're both dripping wet. Suffice it to say; I would be the next YouTube sensation if someone could have caught it on video. And for all you wimpy athletes out there working on six pack abs—I'm working on a seven pack. Owweeeeee!

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